Prairie State Longhorn Association Meeting:
July 15, 2017
4 Oaks Farm
3:00 pm
For now, no dues. Unanimous vote.
Next meeting?
Simmon's/Conrads's in Sept/Oct?
Another Field Day?
Next Spring
-AI School
-Any other ideas?
-Who wants to host?
This is something we want to SERIOUSLY consider doing. This is something that may happen regardless if the Futurity of the North moves forward or not. What they decide to do may play a factor on when we schedule ours. If the Northern wants to keep theirs but move it to IL, we would be looking at some time in June. If we move forward without the folks of the Furity of the North, we may look into doing something later in the year. If we put on a Futurity, the costs for this Futurity would be sponsor payed and not by association dues.
We are currently looking into facilities before moving forward in any way.
Futurities are awesome! A way to get you and your farm/ranch in front of other breeders. It's a great networking event and a way to meet longhorn folks face to face...a lot of fun!
If we did this, we would need a crew of help! We will be coming to everyone in our association asking for some hand of help, if you are able or willing. We would also be rounding up a lot of sponsors to make the event as successful as we possibly could! We want people to want to come back to this event year after year and we want them to tell their friends how great of an event it is so we can grow it bigger and bigger!
Paperwork to the state:
There were 3 forms that had to be filled out and mailed in. David paid the $43 and 4 Oaks Farm is happy to pay that money with nothing returned to keep this association going!
I will send out a follow up email to this one with everyone's address and emails that we have compiled. Let's stay in touch! If you have a Facebook account or page, please feel free to reply to this email with that information so we can be connected that way too.
What was the #1 thing we learned from our meeting?
When in trouble, CALL DARA!
Copyright (C) 2018 Prairie State Longhorn Association. All Rights Reserved.